Perfect in my Mind

Perfect in my Mind

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

This Mother's Day has been very thought provoking to me, because it is the first Mother's Day that I have wished I was a mother. 

My whole life, I have known that I want to be a mom.  I have spent so many day dreams thinking about my babies, and how I want to raise them.  The mental picture I have of my future family is very dear to me.  However, up to this point motherhood has seemed like something far away. 

Since I have finished school, I have had a lot of opportunities to watch children in my neighborhood.  I've heard people say that babysitting other people's children is a great way to discourage you from having your own . . . but it has had the opposite effect on me.  Seeing how other women magnify the calling of motherhood has given me the desire to do the same.

I can't wait for the day when I will have a baby to hold, and love, and teach.  I can't wait to witness the miracle that bringing a life into this truly really is.  I can't wait to watch my husband be a father.  All of these things seem so exciting to me.

I hope to be the kind of mother my mom was to me.  Through her example, she has taught me almost every important lesson I have ever learned.  My childhood was a happy one.  I always knew that I was loved. 

My mother is the most amazing women I have ever met.  She has unparalleled compassion, and she has the capacity to love without limits.  She has endured many trials, and remained strong.  She is my number one role model, and example.  I hope that one day I can be the kind of mother to my baby that my mother was to me.

I am also lucky to have a mother-in-law who has taken me under her wing.  I know many women who would give anything to have a mother-in-law who cared for them as much as my mother-in-law cares for me.  My mother-in-law has taught me many things I hope to implement in my future family.  She is very devoted to her role as mother, and supports her children in everything that they do.  I hope that I can one day be the kind of mother that my mother-in-law has been to me.

I look forward to motherhood--whenever that time comes. But, for now, I hope the mother's in my life know how much I adore them. 

Happy Mother's Day!


simply megan. said...

Awwww what a lovely post :) You are truly blessed :)

Melanie said...

Aw! You're gonna make me cry! This was SO beautifully written & heart felt. LOVED this post girly.

No wonder you're so darn pretty, just look at YO MAMA! XO

You will have some amazing beautiful babies. For SURE!

Lisa said...

Great post! I have the most awesome mom (of course!) but also an awesome mother-in-law, and that is a BIG deal. I have too many friends that can hardly stand to be around their m-i-l for a few minutes, and it's a huge blessing to our marriage and to me personally that I have a great relationship with her. Happy Mother's Day Chelsea! You will be such a wonderful mom when the time comes.

MicheleBryant said...

Thank you Chelsea! It has been an unbelievably wonderful experience to raise you and have you as my friend. I love you very much!

Ryan Adair said...

I loved this post, so well said!

I have kind of enjoyed the journey of discovering that I want to be a mother-- it is making me a softer, more patient person.

(And I love seeing R interact with children)

Hope you are well!


Stephanie said...

This is so beautiful! And I love the pictures of you and your mom! Lovely!

Alexis Kaye said...

you are sweet :) I'm excited for you to be a mom too. You will be awesome at it!

Brooke said...

Ok you are darling! And I don't know if you remember me, but my husband and I met you guys at that Vantage meeting back in the spring! So crazy :) I have been wondering for months what your blog was, and I just stumbled across it through a friend :) Seriously you are so cute!

Miss Mochi said...

Oof! You obviously inherited a different sort of gene than me.

Babies cry when I hold them. They make weird noises and I'm more than a little afraid of them. They start looking constipated and frowny as soon as I come near them. I love their soft squishy cheeks... but not for me!