Perfect in my Mind

Perfect in my Mind

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Weekenders

This weekend was good.  Like real good.  I want to go back in time and live it all over again.  But, that's unrealistic.  So I'll just give you the Reader's Digest version.

Friday night:

This is Mista T. and I before heading out to eat the best meal of our lives.  We decided to spend date night at Ninja--a sushi house here in Cedar.  Oh. My. Goodness.  I don't know if I've ever been happier in my life.  I could live and die in the meal I consumed.  I even ate eel.  I'm getting to be so cool.

We then went for a walk and ended the evening watching Chopped.  It was such a good night.


My love and I had a very lazy morning--complete with episodes of Chopped {obsessed, much?}, and Burger King.  We then ventured to the great land of Saint George, UT to hang out with Mista T.'s family.

I got to see some South Dakota babies I'd been missing a whole lot.  It was great.

Brian, hiding from me
Dory, playing with something

Gracie {not a South Dakota baby}

That day I also learned that my husband knows every single lyric, of every single song, in Newsies.  It was a proud {and unusual} moment.


I said buh-bye to one of my very best friends.  Sister Krista Nanette Smith will be departing for Sao Paulo Brasil tomorrow morning for eighteen months.  She gave a sweet little speech, and my eyes watered with a special kind of sadness.  I'm going to miss that little dear a whole heck-of-a-lot, but I know she is going to do a world of good.

Love you, sista gurrl.

On Sunday, we also got some family photos taken.  I spied on the ones I wasn't in, and this one was my favorite:
I'm in love with Dory's expression
Such cuties.


I need to attend to an awesome laundry mountain I've been avoiding for awhile. So fun.  You're probably a little bit jealous.


Annette said...

It was so fun to have you and James come see us! We can't wait to see the photos. Thanks for the preview!

Mary Anne said...

Thanks for your so-very-up lifting posts. Sure needed a bright, sun shiney dose of goodness.

Dory's expression is gold.

Courtney B said...

Ok..did you go to snow canyon?!
I'm so jealous you got to spend a weekend in St George.. I so need to be there!
You and your man are SO cute together!