1. I haven't truly let Ezra "cry it out" to sleep and I'm not sure I ever will. I don't think there's anything wrong with having your child cry it out, and moms who do probably sleep a lot better than I do, but it doesn't feel like a good fit for me and my baby.
2. Since my pregnancy I have become kind of a neat freak, so I was worried about how I would handle the messiness of a baby . . . but, surprisingly, baby messes don't bother me.
3. I have Ezra in his jammies most of the time. In an ideal world I would wear pajamas everywhere, so I figure I'll let him enjoy that while it's still socially acceptable!
4. I let Ezra sleep in our bed some nights. I know a lot of people are against this, but it works out fairly well for us. It's way easier for me than getting out of bed every time he wakes up.
5. Pretty much everyone we meet says Ezra looks just like James . . . but I am in denial. I think he's my mini-me.
(baby Chelsea)
6. People have started asking me when I'm going to have another baby. I really don't know. I want my kids to be close enough in age that they can be good friends, but it stresses me out a lot to think about having another soon. I want to be a great mom and for me that might require that there's a bit of an age gap between my children.
7. The hardest part of being a mom, for me, is loneliness. I wasn't expecting that to be an issue, but it is sometimes. My perfect situation would be having someone to follow me around and talk to me all day while I take care of Ezra. Haha!
8. I don't know the words to many songs, so I have to improvise sometimes on lullabies. Ezra has been sung Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" multiple times. I am not proud of this.
9. I am a total "baby talker". Baby talk is probably the lowest form of comedy, but I can't help myself.
10. I am really good at doing things one handed. I can do my makeup, make the bed, vacuum, and unload the dishwasher while holding Ezra.
So there's that! All my mama friends out there should totally do this tag. Leave me a link if you do so I can check it out!
Happy (almost) Mother's Day!
I'm pretty sure "Bad Romance" is an awesome lullaby. It's fun to sing!
I love your list! You are a fantastic mother and yes, I think Ezra looks a LOT like you! I'm so glad you are still posting on your blog, it is so fun to read.
You are too funny!
Hi Chelsea! My name is Heather and I was wondering if you would be willing to answer my question about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1 AT gmail DOT com :-) I greatly appreciate it!
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