But, I like being nice to myself.
This week I was hot when I realized that instead of shaving both of my legs, I only shaved one. But I shaved that leg twice.
This week I was hot when I updated my facebook status:

And then proceed to have like, one million people assume I was pregnant. (I am totally not pregnant, by the way.) And then my brother in law proceeded to say something hilarious. As per usual.
This week I was hot because I wore the same outfit like, three times.
I just really like it, I guess. Probably because of the belt. Yep. This belt is the belt. The belt of my dreams.
Bouns points awared to the person who can guess what percentage of this outfit came from the magical abyss of the Wal-Mart clearance rack.
This week I was hot when I waited until the half hour before class to study for my midterm.
(Nailed it, by the way.)
All kidding aside, some really awesome things happend this week.
For instance . . .
This week I decided to celebrate national pancake day with a lot of enthusiasm.
And my friend, Courtney, let me take her pictures for one of my photography assignments.
{I can personally vouch for the fact that Courtney is just as wonderful in real life as she is in blog life.}
And I got a job! I am officially going to be writing for SoUtah Weddings. I am so excited about it. Like, the kind of excited where the roof could cave in on our apartment, and I wouldn't even care because I would be so freaking excited to start work on Wednesday.
So there you have it.
This is why I'm hot.
that PHOTO has serious MOJO. Just rolls off the tongue.
I kind of hate you for nailing a midterm and only studying half an hour.
I forgave you for wearing walmart clearance. high five sista friend!
Also, I am so glad pancakes don't cancel plans. I can rest peacefully.
Hab a good weekend yer hottness!
You are Miss Hotwomancakes (as Strong Bad would say)!
Wow, your photo-taking abilities continue to impress me. I'd love to learn any little kernel of knowledge on taking pictures!!
That is a pretty amazing belt I must say, and I can't blame you for wearing it a lot either.
I hate and greatly admire people who can pull off last-minute cram sessions for mid-terms. I try...and sometimes sorta pull them off, but I usually just curse my name for waiting that long on purpose or laziness!
Because I haven't said a single thing on the subject of your new job: WAY TO GOOO! You are such a talented and humor-filled writer! You'll be fantastic!!
Ummmm.... come to Germany and take my pictures, pretty please? I'll even give you some bratwurst, my couch to sleep on, and some wienerschnitzel.
On a serious note, that belt is amazeballs, National Pancake Day is amazeballs, and it is totally amazeballs that you got a job writing for SoUtah Weddings!!
I will admit that I might have worn the same outfit in a week before, hey when you find a good one you wanna show it off {I totally get it}. Plus if you aren't seeing the same group of people then you can totally pull it off :) It was cute by the way!
haha I love this post. That is so funny that you shaved the same leg twice! I do the "Did I already shampoo my hair?" and Wash it twice kinda thing often.
Opps...I was signed in as my sister (Kelsey)! Sorry =)
Your photography assignment is so much better than mine! Help! :)
haha i love that you shaved the same leg twice! I have totally done that before. classic.
I just love this post! hahaha- too cute! Congrats on the job :)
hahaha, these are awesome. If I get a new outfit I like, I totally wear it multiple times in the week. :)
Congrats on your new job!!!
Love the belt. Love your FACE! :) Love the fact that you shaved one leg twice. HAHAHA!! Love that picture of your friend (she's beautiful too!).
Oh, and congrats on the job!!!
This is why I'm hot: I just realized I follow Courtney's blog too. I'm an idiot...I didn't recognize her in your picture. Duh.
I can't wait to see more from that photo shoot! And congrats on the new job--how exciting!
Congrats Chelsea! You are amazing! I put two contacts in one eye before and thought I was going blind. Must be genetic...
hahahaha i love your brother-in-law's comment.
You ARE HOTT girl! Haha. My favorite one was the first one. HILARIOUS! And you don't even want to know how long it's been since I shaved. Also, I love that you wore the same outfit more than once. Let's be honest...I do that ALL the time.
This is why I love YOU! And please girl, you are definitely HOT! We need to get together again! Oh and we went to the college married ward... guess who's in that ward? Haha.
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