Perfect in my Mind

Perfect in my Mind

Sunday, August 21, 2011


I found the idea for this post through the One Sheepish Girl blog.  I know I talk about myself a lot.  But I'm the thing I know best.  So, here it goes:
--> me<--baby sinclair
^not realted.  

*7 places I would like to visit . . . 

1.  Amsterdam
2.  New York
3.  Disney World
4.  Italy
5.  Australia
6.  London
7.  Paris

*7 things I would like to make
1.  This beautiful DIY chandelier
2.  This vintage-style DIY skirt
3.  This cute leather bow necklace
4.  These amazing looking donuts
5.  These pretty pillows
6.  My fingernails to look like this

7.  A dinner that looks like this

(Click photos for sources)

*7 People I would like to meet (dead or alive)
1.  Anne Frank
2.  My mom's grandma Corry
3.  Adelle
4.  J.K. Rowling
5.  Giada de Laurentiis
6.  Demetri Martin
*7 Things I would like to own
1.  My own house 
2.  Toyota Rav 4
3.  A Bachelors' Degree (two more semesters, baby)
4. My own clothing boutique 
5.  An iPod Touch
6.  A Nikon D3100 
7.  A churro machine

*7 Things that annoy me
1.  Loud eating
2.  Acne
3.  Bossy people
4.  Back-handed compliments
5.  Mosquitos
6.  Shopping for jeans (being tall is hard)
7.  Music that is off key

*7 Films I love
1.  The Count of Monte Cristo
2.  A Beautiful Mind
3.  Say Anything
4.  What About Bob
5.  A Little Princess (Shirley Temple version)
6.  The Little Mermaid
7.  Slumdog Millionaire
*7 Funny Words
1.  Floozy
2.  Caddywompus
3.  Glutinous
4.  Sassy
5.  Bosom
6.  Platypus
7.  Potpourri

Alright.  There you have it.  If you end up doing this, leave a link in the comments!  I would love to learn more about you!


Joanna said...

YES YES and YES! I love everything you listed. I'm swooning over the bow necklace and skirt! And churro machine would be amazing!

Cyndy said...

I rememer that dress from your 1st birthday. seems like only yesterday. love you Chels

Silver Strands said...

HAHA - loved it. And with owning your home on there twice, it's sure to happen! Great to read about you ... and WOWIE - I want to make that skirt too! (or maybe when you make one for you, you can make one for me too ... just thinking outloud here ...)

Laura Eve said...

whoa whoa. wait a second. your mom has a grandma corry???? How did i not know this. are we cousins? and second let's please open up a clothing boutique together, for real. felt so awkward when my adviser asked what i'm doing with my degree.

Ana Paula said...

I so made one of those bow necklaces! I made it in black and white polka dots. I still have to buy a silver chain to go with. Wa waaa! But I think they are SUPER cute!

Liz Taylor said...

This blog entry is too cute. Take me to Italy with you, wont you?! also I want to make those doughnuts too. NOM NOM NOM. Great choice of funny words, too! What the heck is "Caddywompus" hahahha

Amanda said...

I love this blog post! It's great because I learned so much about you. I also would love to make that vintage bow skirt. Let me know if you attempt it :)

P! said...

Um... yeah. Doing this. For reals. Can't wait! Seeing those amazing DIY pics makes me want to join Pinterest. Like now. Think I will- love this post, lady!!

Anonymous said...

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tifsong said...

just so you know.

1. The Count of Monte Cristo
2. A Beautiful Mind
3. Say Anything
4. What About Bob
7. Slumdog Millionaire

i love these movies too.
and would probably say that on my blog if i made a list.

Nelle said...

Um, I loved that vintage bow skirt you posted so much that I made one! Thanks for having great taste I guess. :)