Perfect in my Mind

Perfect in my Mind

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Come on let's go.

Have you guys watched this yet?
Are you laughing?  Because I am.
Every time I pose for pictures, I do this:
or this:
Those are the only faces I know to do.  My family calls this ^ my "Chelsea face."  Do you guys have a signature 'picture face' that you do?
Everyday, this is me.  Ha ha.  Well, not every day.  But, a lot of days.  Lately, I have been the most anti-social person on the planet.  I don't even hang out on Facebook that much anymore.
I've had this song stuck in my head since I watched "La Bamba" with Mista T. four months ago.
This week, I've been singing it non-stop.  It's gotten to the point where my husband says things like, "If you sing that song one more time today, I'm not going to take a shower."  

But I.just.can't.stop.  And he's still showering, so I probably won't stop.  Ever.


Alexis Kaye said...

Haha, love the song! and I totally have faces that I do for pictures. I have a few different kinds. I'm sure you've picked up on them through my wedding pictures! And It's probably the dietetics major in me that feels bad for the kid for what sounds like a possibe food addiction. But the whole idea of reviewing gushers on youtube, that's hilarious! "you bite them and the juice comes out." Yeah buddy, that's what the name means! :)

Megan and Justin said...

haha this is awesome and yes my family calls it the megan face. mine is more of a scowl. apparently i do it ALL the time ha!

Kristen Thornburg said...

Haha thats so funny!
I sing all the time, too. ALL.THE.TIME. My daughter has taken after me!

Scuba Wife Life said...

I know what you mean! All my poses are the same! lol I could never be a model because I never know what to do! lol :)

P! said...

Okay, first of all, that little embroidery thing made me laugh into next week- everything about it is perfect. And so me. Also, yes, I do have a pose I do for every picture. It's my red carpet pose, and I'm always getting called out on it. The same hand on the hip, the same leg pop, the same pointed toe, same head tilt... so predictable. And I LOVE it! Don't change a thing, lady, you're doing juuuust fine! :)

McKinley {Haolepinos} said...

I LOVE GUSHERS!!!! And there really are only 6 in a box. That sucked when I had to share them with my sisters! And then friends would want some!!! I love that he says "hmm they are divine!" hahahah he is too cute!

ahahhaah signature faces, I can totally relate because my husband will not!!! and I mean will not give me a good photo because of his face! I will have to do a post to show you what I really mean. But even his drivers license and school ID are the same ridiculous face! It is hilarious! Thank you for sharing and not making me feel alone in this matter ahhaha

Quirky Homemaker said...

That really is your picture face! It's the same one in all of your pictures! Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. I'm following you now. Did you do the Teriyaki pork in the crockpot?