Perfect in my Mind

Perfect in my Mind

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Braided Reverse Ponytail

When I first got Pinterest, I found this picture
and knew I needed to try it.

So, I did.

Purpose of the post? Basically, I just wanted to brag about how cute my hair was today.


Laynah said...

I LOVE it. How do you end it though, I feel like that could be tricky...

Autumn @ Autumn All Along said...

WOW. You did a great job, I am so impressed and it looks very cute!

Cindy said...

Ba-bam-beautiful! :) glad you found that photo b/c that's such an amazing updo on you, Chels!

Dana Richards said...

So cool! I am mega-impressed, I would never be able to accomplish something like that haha

Robin Cole said...

Cute! I saw this in a book once, and I loved to do it when I had long hair. It takes serious concentration to french braid upside fingers could not figure out what I was telling them to do.

P! said...

BEYOND cute! Teach us! Gosh, I love that so many of my blog friends have Pinterest so that I can steal ideas without even searching for myself. :)

from head 2 toe said...

I wish I had ENOUGH hair to do that! Looks really cute. You rock those earrings too!


Ana Paula said...

Cuteness! I loved it! I think I tried to make this 'do once but didn't succeed... or gave up, or something.

I love hairdos! I don't go out two days in a row with the same thing on my head.

Lovely post!


Ana Paula - Pretty in Polka Dots

Unknown said...

I love when my hair is cute! How fun!! :)

Popcorn, Pugs & Peonies said...

Great job. Very cute!


Deveny said...

I vote for a tutorial - would love to know how to do that!

Deveny said...

I vote for a tutorial - would love to know how to do that!

Alexis Kaye said...

that looks hard! you go girlfriend!

Courtlyn Ash said...

Umm I need to learn this like ASAP! How did you figure this out!?!?

Courtney B said...

SO cute!! I used to do this to all of my friends in hair school....why did I stop??! Time to do it to my hair!