Perfect in my Mind

Perfect in my Mind

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

It's Wednesday. I'm not even joking.

Today was one of those days that I kept wishing was a Friday.  Not because today has been bad, or anything.  It has just seemed out of place.  Anyway.  The human (not alien) (<-- obviously) I am married to is napping, and Facebook has started giving me anxiety with it's new homepage.  So you, my friends, get to hear about what I'm loving today.


Dry shampoo.  Do you guys use this stuff?  Because I didn't know about until about a month ago.  But it has changed my life.  Is that an incredibly dramatic statement?  Yes.  Will I retract it?  Absolutely not.  I have pretty oily hair, naturally (tmi?), so I was one of those girls who needed to wash her hair  But, with this stuff, I can go every other day!  Awesome.

I wear my  eyeliner winged out every day, and have found that the gel/brush combo makes doing a cat eye super easy.  I wish I would have started using this stuff years ago!  It's the best thing ever

This looks way dumb, huh?  Well, that's where you're wrong.  Because Peggle is the most beautiful thing that has ever come into my life.  Psych.  It's not.  But, it is really great.  If you have a husband/boyfriend/brother/male friend who is into video games, make him buy this.  I hate video games, but I ask Mista T. to play with me every day.

School.  Between my classes at the University, online classes, and community college classes, I am taking 28 credit hours this semester.  That's nuts.  But guess what?  This is probably my favorite semester I've ever had.  I love school.

5. All the support I got from my guest post, yesterday.  Writing that blog was really hard for me, and all the supportive comments meant a lot to me.  Thank you so much, my dear friends.  Your kindness is so appreciated.

I also have a question for you.  How do you reply to comments via e-mail?  I would love to respond to you guys in a more personal way.  I always try to comment back when someone says something on my blog, but sometimes you guys say something that touches me enough that I feel a need to respond privately.  Help a sista' out?


Lara Neves said...

Do you get your comments in your email? You can hit reply and send an email back, but ONLY if the person who commented has added their email address to their profile. If it says, then you are out of luck. I really like people who have their email in the profile, although I am not a big comment responder. I do respond when people ask questions though.

So, if you are getting this comment in your email, hit reply and you can send a note to me. Because I have my email in my profile.

Anonymous said...

I understand your love for dry shampoo! It is probably the best addition to my beauty products. Must try out that eyeliner too, I'm always look for new ones to try.

Melanie said...

You are the cutest thig ever, btw! I think you may have just changed my life w/ that dry shampoo!!! I too have a bit oily hair, If I was my hair every other day that would be so awesome! LOVE the eyeliner. LOOOVE this post!

Muah... Xo.

Melanie said...

Hey you, how did I miss your guest post?! Heading over there now....

Annette said...

Peggle is so fun! It's kinda pyschadelic, too with fun little noises.

Sean Marie said...

Facebook pisses me off!

simply megan. said...

I love dry shampoo!!!...and yea the new facebook is beyond annoying!!!

Emma Frances said...

I have never tried dry shampoo but I have really wanted to! And your guest post was great! You are really an inspiration! :)

P! said...

I totally use that eyeliner too... us cat-eye, winged-out girls gotta stick together! Also, dry shampoo is my must-have. Working at multiple salons, I've known about it for awhile, but up until recently, it's been my little secret. Cat's out of the bag and wreaking havoc- cool, huh?? Speaking of cool, you are. Have a great day! :D

Unknown said...

Imma not going to comment on dry shampoo or eye liner. I am going to comment on the fact that you are taking 28 credits this semester. Lady! Have you lost your mind? I can barely take 13, and one of my classes is yoga. I can teach you yoga because I am pretty sure you are going to need by the time you hit mid-terms. 28 credits! Holy Canoli (in the words of Kreeeesta)!

Brittany said...

I love using dry shampoo! Girl, I can't believe you are taking 28 hours in one semester!! Good luck! :)

Sara SHOEmaker said...

I use both that dry shampoo and that eyeliner! I love it! dry shampoo is such an amazing invention. p.s. I agree, the new facebook makes me SAD.

The House of Shoes

Courtney B said...

I am going to try that eye liner! Yay :) And want to know a secret? Instead of dry shampoo, I use baby powder. Haha! What kind of hair stylist am I??

Jessica and Trent said...

Thanks for visiting my blog last week! It's fun to have a new visitor :) This was a fun post for me to read! I've been wanting to try dry shampoo for a while so it's nice to have a recommendation! And like everyone is saying, 28 credits?? WOW!! Good for you! I'm glad you're loving it :)

Unknown said...

Chelsea! I would absolutely love if you did a tutorial on the cat eye or recommended one online or something. I've wanted to try that out recently!

Alexis Kaye said...

wish I knew about the e-mail thing! And 28 cedits? Girl you be CRAZY!

And I don't know if I already commented about your guest post, but I want to say that I thought it was incredible of you to share that. It's scary, but if it was anything like it was for me, I felt so free after sharing my "secret". And it really isn't annything to be ashamed of. You are amazing. I honestly wish we could be friends in real life. You know, the kind of friends where you know how tall someone is and if they paint their nails. And also, I think it's so awful how cruel kids can be! I was teased all the time for being fat! I look through my pictures now, and I wasn't fat at all! I was just tall. Screw those kids. My life is awesome now. They're probably scrubbing toilets at the corner gas station. I mean, not that it matters...seeing as how we're the bigger person and all!

Lindsay @ Delighted Momma said...

Dry shampoo? I am so intrigued! I have never heard of this but it sounds pretty amazing! Such a fun list

Katie said...

I will have to try that dry shampoo stuff! Aaaand I nominated you for a blog award :)

Amanda said...

What phone is Peggle combatible with? It looks like a game I would enjoy. I am also dying to try the dry shampoo (my hair is like yours), but I always forget to pick it up when I'm at CVS. Happy Thursday! Is it Friday yet?

Laynah said...

I really want to know how to reply to people's comments too! I reply in my own comments sometimes but I dont know if people check back and like you said, something are personal and yada yada. I read the girls that tried to explain it to you and I still don't get it. sheesh.

um, 28 credits is ridiculous.
that is all.